Events & Awards

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Moth night at the Survey, East Farm, Kingston, from dusk on, September 27, contact the office to RSVP.

30th Birthday Gala for the Survey, November 16, Quonset O Club, N. Kingstown. Awards, unveiling new strategic plan, hors d'oeuvres and drinks, raffles, celebration! Watch this space for details.

Lisa Lofland Gould Native Plant Program, November 23, 3 p.m., Gaige Hall, RI College. Showcasing the Plant Insect Community Network and Ocean Hour Farm.

Last Wednesday Tea: every month 4 to 5 p.m. enjoy tea and conversation about natural history (and whatever else anyone wants to talk about). In-person in Kingston or join via Zoom; contact Kira to RSVP and for a link.

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. . . is an effort to count as many species as possible in 24 hours, held annually in Rhode Island since 2000, the longest-running such event in the world.



. . . provide a forum for diverse parties to discuss key issues related to Rhode Island’s biota and habitats. Here is info on past and upcoming conferences.



. . . recognize achievements by naturalists working in Rhode Island and especially generous contributions to the Survey’s mission.

Henry & Theresa Godzala Research Fund

Grants made to fund small-scale but important research on Rhode Island’s biota, geology, and natural systems. Supported by Survey members and friends.

Mark D. Gould Memorial Lectures

On a hot July night, David Gregg explains a bucket trap to the Block Island crowd. Moth nights are a favorite event with all ages.

Lectures and similar “sit-down” programs are held several times a year at venues around Rhode Island.

Out There! (Walks, Workshops and Demos)

Walks, workshops, and demonstrations give attendees a first-hand experience with particular aspects of natural history.

Open House and Natural History Art Exhibit

Members and friends mount exhibits in our offices of art inspired by natural history. Major exhibits open in conjunction with the annual Winter Open House.

Lisa Lofland Gould Native Plant Program

When Lisa Lofland Gould, the Survey’s founding executive director, retired, an endowment was raised to fund an annual event on native plants, her special expertise. The event is co-hosted with the Rhode Island Wild Plant Society and URI’s Outreach Center.

Rhode Island Natural History Week

. . . celebrates all the things we know because of natural history and the great natural history institutions around our state. Events coordinated across institutions raise the visibility of this important discipline.

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