Awards build community by recognizing exceptional skills, knowledge, observational powers, and generosity of spirit.
Rhode Island Natural History Survey Distinguished Naturalist Award
This award is presented to individuals who a) make significant contributions to the scientific knowledge of Rhode Island’s environment and organisms; b) is recognized as an outstanding teacher and educator about the natural world; and/or c) has significantly enhanced public awareness of the importance of understanding Rhode Island’s ecosystems. Read more and see a list of the award winners
Golden Eye Award
This award is given for making one or many notable natural historical observations and bringing them to the attention of the community. In short, the Golden Eye is awarded for having a golden eye! Read more and see a list of the award winners
Founders’ Award for Exceptional Service
This award acknowledges and celebrates the organization’s heroes: people or other organizations that have made extraordinary contributions—of time, things, money, expertise—that substantially advanced the Survey’s longevity and its mission. Read more and see a list of the award winners.