Science is only one of many tools we have for learning important things about the world around us. Artists garner insights in their own ways and have their own uniquely effective channels to communicate about what they’re experiencing.

The Survey office is in a building with lots of wall space and we put it to good use with exhibits by members and friends of art inspired by Nature. The exhibit is overhauled once a year and the new installation is the highlight of our annual Open House. The exhibition is open free to the public whenever the office is open—just check in in Room 105 when you arrive. Some works are for sale, some are not. Ask at the office.
From time to time, our “gallery” is also used for shorter term exhibitions on natural historical, scientific, and environmental themes. Sometimes the Survey participates in collaborations that result in exhibitions in galleries elsewhere.

New exhibitors for the annual show are always welcome, as are new ideas for themed exhibits and inquiries about collaborations elsewhere in Rhode Island. Contact the office to discuss your ideas.