Publishing a periodical bulletin is a great way for the Natural History Survey to fulfill its mission to connect those knowledgeable about Rhode Island’s animals, plants, ecological systems. It is also a great way to memorialize research results, discoveries, commentary, and art pertaining to those same animals, plants, and ecology. After a hiatus, during which we tried to achieve the same goals using just this online blog, we relaunched the Rhode Island Naturalist as a proper, printed document. Or more accurately, its formated for print but it’s printed only if you choose to print out the PDF. Distributing it in PDF form helps keep it affordable and saves a lot of paper.
Paid-up members of the Natural History Survey are the main source of support for the Rhode Island Naturalist and receive a link to each new issue a week or so ahead of the rest of the world. We’d greatly appreciate your support in the form of membership (use the link in the website header), but if you’re interested in the content and you can’t manage membership, you can find all the issues, available for download, on our Resource Library, keyword “bulletin”.
One challenge with re-starting bulletin, though, is we need a steady supply of content. If you are a researcher (faculty, student, independent), historian of natural history, artist, or otherwise have something to say that might be suitable for the Rhode Island Naturalist, reach out to the editors via email: rinaturalist@rinhs.org.