Date: June 9-10
Location: auke ut Nahiganseck (translates from Narragansett to “we dwell here”); the English name of the place is Charlestown, RI.

At the invitation of the Narragansett Tribal Office of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management, the Rhode Island Natural History Survey partnered with the Tribe to hold the 2023 RI BioBlitz on June 9 & 10 on 1,200 acres of mostly wooded Tribal lands in Charlestown, RI. “Science Central,” was at the tribal meeting grounds on Indian Church Road.
Approximately 1,100 species were identified. More information will be available as scientists make their final reports.
General map of the RI BioBlitz 2023 site. IMPORTANT: this is tribal land and except for BioBlitz is not open to the public.
The RI BioBlitz 2023 tshirt features art by Angel Beth Smith, a nationally known artist and Narragansett Tribe member.

The Narragansett Indians are descendants of the aboriginal people of the State of Rhode Island. Archaeological evidence and oral history of the Narragansett People establish their existence in the region more than 30,000 years ago. Their reservation, which is usually private, covers more than 2,000 acres in Charlestown. The Tribal Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management Program protects the health and welfare of the Tribal culture, Community, and the natural environment by preserving, conserving, restoring, and enhancing the Reservation environment through the collection and analysis of high quality natural resource data and facilitating environmentally sound resource management, planning, policy development, and community outreach.
Our thanks to sponsors including:
Narragansett Indian Tribe
Narragansett Indian Tribe Community Planning and Natural Resources Department
Roger Williams Park Zoo
Largess Forestry
There were orientations May 2 at Roger Williams Park Zoo and May 11 at USFWS’s Kettle Pond Visitors Center.