About the Natural History Survey

phone: 401-874-5800
email: info@rinhs.org
The Survey is a 501(c)(3) Rhode Island non-profit, TIN 05-0478525

Contact Info, Office & Hours


The Natural History Survey has been bringing people together to document and study Rhode Island's animals, plants and natural systems since 1994.


Meet the Rhode Island Natural History Survey Staff.

Directors and Advisors

Our directors and advisors guide and support the Natural History Survey in its mission.

Ecosystem Resilience Through Biodiversity

A growing majority of Americans experience nature as a top source of meaning and fulfillment in their lives.  The natural world, however, is increasingly threatened by numerous forces.  Climate change, air and water pollution, plant and animal extinctions, habitat loss, invasive species, and deforestation dramatically modify the landscape and compromise quality of life and the many health, economic, and climate mitigation benefits derived from stable and resilient ecosystems.

To be the best environmental stewards possible, we must work together, combining knowledge, interests, experiences, and resources, to better understand and sustain the natural systems that we value and depend upon.  The Rhode Island Natural History Survey is a non-profit organization dedicated to documenting and sharing information on the State’s species, geology, and ecosystems, and partnering to promote the conservation of Rhode Island’s natural resources.


To promote ecosystem resilience, the Rhode Island Natural History Survey collects, organizes, and disseminates information on Rhode Island’s biodiversity and ecosystems.  We engage curious observers of all ages—professionals and amateurs, scientists and artists—in field-based experiences that build connections to science, conservation, and the natural world.


To prompt a sense of wonder that inspires people to value and protect biodiversity through a deeper understanding of the world around us.


A nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering “Ecosystem Resilience Through Biodiversity,” we value:

  • sound science to inform decision-making and environmental policy
  • strong partnerships built on trust, transparency, and mutual benefits
  • the unique sense of place in natural areas and rural, suburban, and urban ecosystems
  • biodiversity that instills resilience in both natural and human communities
  • responsible stewardship of Rhode Island’s ecosystems and our supporters
  • the accomplishments of dedicated individuals who have shaped our understanding
    of Rhode Island natural history
  • field-based approaches and direct connections to the natural world
  • knowledge, enthusiasm, and a sense of wonder in every curious observer

Read the Survey’s 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.

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