We are actively seeking information on collections of Rhode Island natural history, their institutions, contents, origins, and current state. If you manage such a collection, or even if you just know about one through your personal connections, please take a moment to fill out our online natural history collection survey.
In 1993, before it was even incorporated, the Natural History Survey produced a printed directory listing organizations, agencies, and people involved in studying, teaching about, or protecting Rhode Island’s biota and habitats. Through four subsequent editions, the directory grew to include over a hundred entries. Entries included contact information, area(s) of expertise, current research, courses taught, collections information, mission statement, services and public programs offered, and more.
Printed directories just aren’t how people find each other anymore. Nonetheless, the Survey still collates information on people and institutional resources that might be useful to those who want to know about Rhode Island’s animals, plants, and natural systems and helps connect friends and members with each other.